Add Confetti to

Making peoples' hearts dance
on your thank-you page

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How does it work?

  1. (1) Style and brand your Confetti
  2. (2) Get installation code
  3. (3) Add it to your desired web page

That's it!

Celebrate Visitor's Actions ---
See Growth in Attractions!

After a positive customer experience, 69% would recommend the company to others, and 50% would use the business more frequently.

--- groovehq

23% of online shoppers will share a positive experience that they had on a website with 10+ people.

--- outboundsales

No developer skills required!

Do you have access to your website editor? That's all you need to install your new custom branded Confetti animation.

We provide you with a Confetti Code and step-by-step instructions to install on any website platform.

Simply copy and paste the Confetti Code to your desired page and celebrate the reactions! 🎉


Ready to make your visitors' hearts dance?